Tooo Soon!!!!
Hello. I'm not going to panic.
Nope. Not A Bit.
I'm going to hyperventilate a little, but that isn't really panicing.
I'm not even sure if I spelled panicking right. That can't be a good sign.
Here's what happened. Had found someone to move us 3 weeks ago. Now they can't.
Last minute hustle. Didn't think we'd find anyone.
Reserved a motel room for a week. A cheap yucky motel.
Haven't packed much. Just a dozen boxes thus far.
Found a mover. Available for Thursday. Needs everything ready to go by then.
Tonight is Tuesday. We were away all day visiting yet more family.
We need to be completely packed by tomorrow night!
I'm not even done with the company website yet so I'm working on that tonight!
My house is a wreck!!!!
It's way way too soon!!!!!!!!
OK, thanks for letting me vent.
I needed that little outlet for a second.
On the brighter side of things I think things are going relatively well given the last minuteness of it all
There is still hope that we may get our house. We are now on our 6th bid. Turns out our real estate agent was asking for a point more than is usual and it was throwing things off by a couple thousand. We're hoping that we find out tomorrow our bid has been accepted. That would be a very good thing.
Anyway, I'm gonna miss you all. I already do. It's hectic and crazy and I'm sorry I've been such a bad friend.
On the bonus side hopefully when things get a little more settled down I will have a little more time since I won't actually have found a job yet.
Love all 3 of you that read this *hugs*
Test Results Are In!!! No Cancer! They still aren't sure what's actually wrong, nor are they looking into it, but at least it's not cancer!!!
Life has been pretty busy. We're packing to move. Trying to buy a house. I'm writing a business plan. Finishing my current employer's website. Visiting all our family and most of our friends before we move.
Shane, Could you send me the number for the Guard Tower? I can't get ahold of Omen at his house. Thanks
I'm trying to open a daycare in the new home so that Katrina doesn't have to go back to a pre-school and I can make sure that she's doing ok. Also what employer in their rightmond would hire someone who has missed two months of work in the last 7? I feel lucky not to have been fired by now.
Work is hectic, I got really behind and on top of that we forgot to set some goals for some of our kids so they are going to miss out on their incentives.
I'm lucky to get out of the program now because I don't think there is going to be one next year.
Well, I have to go wake Katrina up for school. :) TTYL.

1% scored higher!!! I'm number 11 for the moment on this board!
We put our bid on the house tonight with the help of my Aunt Nancy. Everyone cross their fingers.
No test results yet. Trust me, I'm as anxious as you are, though at this point I'm wondering if they're just blowing things out of proportion. There certianly doesn't seem to be any rush.
I almost have my company's website done. I'm taking a short break from that right now. It's actually the best work I've done yet so I'm pretty excited about it. I hope the agency likes it. It's hard when you've had NO contact since December and that was one initial consultation. Oh well. I have it almost done and I have a contract and documentation of all my attempts to get more information for the site. Still, it must look ok because Les walked up to see what I was looking at and he thought it was an example rather than my own design. :) That made me feel pretty awesome! He wants me to add flash but I don't have a program for it, and I really don't know how to use it even if I did.
A fairly successful weekend.
We went to York on Friday and did some house hunting. We found one we're going to put a bid on. I have convinced Les that I should stay home and run a day care until Katrina is old enough to go to school full time. I think it'll be good for all of us. It will be a nice bonding for the baby and I. There will still be a bit of a second income coming in. And I think we'll just all be happier. I'm very excited.
Still no test results yet. They had to send them to the Mayo clinic for analysis. Not sure what that means but I've decided not to worry and just get on with my life. I'll pay for COBRA insurance, though it's expensive, until my medical needs are under control. I'll be happier doing that in our new home. Speaking of which, here is a picture for those interested. We're offering substantially below what they're asking, so I hope that they'll accept it.