Thursday, June 02, 2005

Job Hunting

There is a possibility that we will have job offers in Nevada. We got a call tonight. Kat's allergies will probably be a little better there which is our main reason for thinking about it.

She currently has a sinus infection, btw, due of course to her allergies.

We've decided to go petless. It's pretty horrible, actually. We've had Draco (our lab) for 4 years. We've had ferocious tiger beast aka Kitty for 2. But we can't do this anymore. She's just too sick. It's time for drastic measures.

I think we've found a home for the dog. It's the cat I'm having a hard time with. He's a great cat. Declawed. Nice. Quiet. Loving. Pretty. Orange. What more can you want from a cat? I am wondering if Dr. S. might take him. I know she has a thing for cats. I guess I'll email her and ask.

If anyone has any ideas let me know. I'm actually desparate to get this kid better. She has been sick almost daily for the past month and a half.


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