Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I have missed almost a month of work since January because of Katrina's illnesses (all related to her allergies).

Tonight we spent 4 hours in the ER getting chest x-rays, shots, urine samples, throat swabs etc etc. She is at the beginning stages of pnuemonia and the end stages of bronchitus.

Perhaps you're wondering how I could have missed it. I didn't. I have been giving her breathing treatments at home because I knew she was getting sick. I just thought it was her allergies.

What if I had waited a few more days?

She had a fever of104.3, was sleeping during the day, red, and having trouble breathing. And all of those things just started today. Before she was just coughing a lot. Wheezing some. She does that with her allergies.

And it was horrible having her there tonight. I actually cried. I hate this.

I hate that my baby is always suffering and always sick.

I hate dustmites.

I hate molds.

I hate missing so much work that we're always wondering how to pay all the bills. Now we have a co-pay for the ER visit too.

I am seriously considering moving to a state where there are fewer allergens. Like Arizona. It would be worth it if we didn't have to fight bronchitus and pnuemonia every 3 months. The last round was January and February. Who wants to have thier child on 5 medications a day for the rest of their lives if there is another choice, no matter how inconvenient that choice is?

I think I'll go search on Monster.


At 5/12/2005 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

/hugs. sorry hun, I know how frustrating it is when your child is sick all of the time and there isn't anything you can really do to take it away. It makes you frustrated and upset because as parents we'd like to think we can make everything better and its hard to face that we always can't. I think your doing great tho. Some parents I know won't try to do anything to help with their childs allergies. One I know actually keeps their dog and lets it even sleep in her kids room even tho he's very allergic to it.
I'm sorry that Kat's sick. big hugs to both of you. I hope she feels better soon.
*tag* you're it.


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