Thursday, May 12, 2005

Work, Baby, Poetry

Well, I didn't go to work, for the obvoius reason. Kat was ok for most of the day though we did have a few rocky patches. She'll be ok though.

My co-worker called to say they announced that my work is going to be laying someone off on July 1. They gave us 5 days for someone to volunteer. If no one volunteers then they are just going to pick based on our personal records. We'll just have to see. Rumor has it my supervisor is volunteering. I guess I'll find out for sure next week. What an odd situation.

I've been in a poetry mood lately and written 3 new ones for One is a haiku. One is on aging, love, and death. And the newest one is blasting all those obscure poets out there who are proclaiming genius. I just don't get it. They sound like 2 year olds.

Dove flies
Sweet ageless sound
twittering and fluttering
My heart soars
I erupt

Come on. Let's face it. There is no meaning there. You think there is because it is obscure. It makes you either want to try and find meaning or run away in terror. I opt for the second.


At 11/14/2005 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i opt for the second option also


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